Thursday, May 13, 2010

Feeling like listening to nostalgic songs :)

Thinking of my school teacher in junior high school, whom I had admired, I used to listen to songs by this band.

After graduating from the school, I stopped, but this summer I felt like listening to them again.

As I still don't have much energy to make Etegami (again :p), I will introduce two songs here!

The first one is Momo by Spitz! 桃(peach)
On the way to the QV market in Melbourne for work, I was listening to this song, thinking how the summer in 2010 was gonna be.!v=3Q8Cvl5zHSo&feature=related

Annnd I randomly found this song on youtube too by the same band...famous song :)


Alright, I will just autoplay these songs, and go back to study now >_<

Enjoy :)


  1. Ossan! thanks for the song! I've never heard Momo but I love Robinson! haha Gonna load Momo during the break later heee

  2. lol no worries, obasan :P
    Karaokeeeeeee >u<

  3. haha btw the keyboard guy.. my hair style doesn't look like him! haha odorou odorou!
